Please click here select the “AFC Published Items” to view AFC Published Items.

As we all know, literature can have a strong impact and wide influence regardless of the limitations of time and place. Therefore, in 2006, Ambassadors for Christ has begun to devote full time staff to the publishing ministry.

There are several directions or categories for the AFC Publishing Ministry:

Reaching Chinese intellectuals for Christ through science, social science, modern trends, and Chinese culture vs. Christianity, using books such as “Song of A Wanderer” and “Overcoming the Myth of Faith”

Spiritual revival and Biblical expository: Encouraging believers to grow spiritually, to devote their lives to serving and loving God, and to help believers study the Bible deeply, using books such as “The Purpose Driven Life”, “Beneath the Cross”, and “The Authority of the Bible”.

Mission and Biography: Through Mission theory, reports from mission fields, and missionary biographies which challenge the hearts of churches and believers, using books such as “Missions and Culture”, “The Echo from the Valley”, and “Let My People Go”.

Marriage and Raising Children: The need for these types of books is still very strong and these topics also have pre-evangelistic results.

Chinese churches and believers still need good Discipleship Training and Evangelistic Bible Study material and we predict that there will be a great demand for these materials in China in the near future. 

There are two ways to publish these types of books:

One is to find and encourage talented potential writers to write and give them direction to write in certain areas which they are good at. 
Another way is to select good books from different languages and translate them into Chinese for publishing.

If you have an interest and desire to write, edit, or translate, please contact Timothy Su, Publishing Manager, at (717) 687-8564, ext. 220 or by e-mail at
We are also welcome you to recommend good literature for us to translate. Let us keep the spiritual treasure for Chinese Churches.